I need some help to id this plant so I know how to care for it.there is also a pic of my crazy aloe with the 5 " tall flower that doesn't bloom.it just gets taller?
The images are a little small, but I'll hazard a candidate ID: Aspidistra elatior 'Variegata', or variegated cast iron plant. I presume the pinkish colour is a chromatic aberration on the part of the camera, as is the rough, jagged look to the leaf margins (camera phone?). If the leaves really are serrated, it may be a Pandanus, though the somewhat stubby profile would make that unlikely. The aloe probably just needs more time and/or light for its flower stalk to mature.
well the leaves are like a draceana? It doesn't come out of the soil like a cast Iron plant either? or do the different speices variey as far as growth?
Hmm. A. elatior is the only Aspidistra commonly seen in the trade (aside from "Chinese ribbon plant"); so if your plant has a trunk, it might well be a Dracaena. I suppose the angle of the shots made me think it was low-growing in habit, rather than just young.
ohh sorry about all the PM's Im going to look around on the net and see what I can come up with. any tips for care? Honestly when I first saw it I thought it might have been a colorama (until I saw a pic)
Oh! If the plant really is pinkish, check out Cordyline terminalis ("Hawaiian ti plant"). There are several colour combos out there. If it's a Dracaena, I'd suggest giving it moderately bright light (east or west window) and water sparingly, letting the first few inches of soil dry out between waterings. Cordyline generally likes brighter light and a consistently moist soil.
ooohh my gosh, see I looked all over for cordyline and turned up nothing : ( I thought the same thing. It has more purple I mean like a deep almost velvet purple. then the variegated pink on top. I also think it may require high hunidity due to the brown leaf tips.maybe salt damage which draceana's are sensitive to. right?
I have one of these plants, the leaves are pink. The common name is Moses in the Cradle, see the attached link. Click on the picture at the top right in this link and it will show you a better picture. Very nice plants, easy to grow and look after. http://houseplants4less.com/plantstore/product_info.php/products_id/356 Audrey
OHHH THATS SOO COOL !! thank you so much I have been racking my brain and every other person I talk too as well thank you. Audrey