29 August 2008 Physalis pruinosa (Aunt Molly's Ground Cherry) Harvest today. About one liter of berries was picked today. It has been a cold August, and probably too much rain. Fruit production is not as good as in 2007. Summary: Growing experience.
Ground cherries are an annual in my case. I notice that thy self seed. This is my second year growing them, and they are a most welcome addition to a home garden. Three plants produce about 20 quarts in a good year. Start in a pot about six weeks before placing in the garden for a good start.
Do the ground cherries have pits of seeds in them? How do you normally eat them? Do they make good pies and jam?
Seeds are inside the fruit, but soft and not noticed. We have tried the fruit cooked with a bit of water, and it makes a most delicious desert. We also made a pie, it was excellent. We often eat the berries raw. Never tried the jam route. Actually cooked they taste a bit like a peach pie. It is truly a fine fruit for the backyard garden.