Phyliss Korn rhodo not producing flowers

Discussion in 'Outdoor Gardening in the Pacific Northwest' started by eloharein, Mar 25, 2012.

  1. eloharein

    eloharein Active Member

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    Comox, British Columbia, Canada
    My lovely Phyliss Korn rhodo produced flowers the first year, none at all the second year (last year) and just a few this year. It is also looking leggy. I've planted it near a fence that seems to be a bit of a wind tunnel. What conditions are best for this rhodie? It has large leaves that twist like windmills in the wind, and then break. How can I encourage more blooms and a a more full shape?
  2. rhodogal

    rhodogal Active Member

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    Sidney BC
    In my garden, I have many rhodos and the few that are still in the windy area ( i've moved most from this area )do not thrive. I am south of you, but maybe the wind is the main reason yours is not thriving. You mentioned the leaves twisting & breaking off, this would cause stress to the plant. A move to a more protected area of your garden might be the best solution. This is a great variety and listed with one of the better ratings, ref Greer's.

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