Hi guys, here's a few more I just took from in front of my house near Toronto. I'd appreciate any help... 136 & 137 berries: In my backyard (South of my house) growing on/through my neighbours fence at a height of 6-8ft, the 2.5" leaves with petioles and branched veins face NE. 2_flowers: Northside of my house, at a height of 2ft, orange, single flower of 2.5" on stem, leaves alternate with branched veins, have tiny teeth spaced apart, no petiole and smooth. 1a_AnthemisCotula_mayweed_dogfennel: Multiple flowers/stem are 1", 1.5" leaves smooth with no petiole, stems have some purple on them. -Thanks in advance, Soumo.
136 & 137 possibly Solanum dulcamara or Bittersweet. If so lower leaves would most likely be three lobed or in some instances the leaf is cut to the center and would then appear to be a trifoliate compound leaf with the lower two smaller than the leaf at the apex. My book calls it hastate or halberd shaped. The link is the return from a google hastate image search. Harry
#2 Looks like it could be some type of Marigold (from the color, foliage and bud in the background). Just a guess.