Photinia Leaves Yellowing

Discussion in 'Woody Plants' started by jonny5cal, Jul 5, 2006.

  1. jonny5cal

    jonny5cal Member

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    CA, USA
    I have a question about my Photinia. We recently planted a half dozen 2 year old photinia and some of the leaves have started to yellow. We are in the Bay Area, California, and have been watering them twice a week, about 1 inch of water to each plant in each watering. We noticed about a month ago that no new leaves had grown, and added about one cup of 16-16-16 Osh Superfine all-plant fertilizer to each plant, and currently the leaves look like this. I just took these pictures, so it might be a little dark. If the pictures are too hard to see, I can put up new ones tomorrow. Anyone have any idea as to what might be causing the problem and what we might be able to do to take care of this?



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  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Circumstances would suggest effect was produced by fertilizer. 16-16-16 is pretty strong. Cut a sample of yellow foliage and take to Cooperative Extension office or Master Gardener clinic. Might have to sample soil and have it analyzed to see what nutrient situation seems to be at present. Overload or deficiency of a particular element may be discovered.
  3. jonny5cal

    jonny5cal Member

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    CA, USA
    Hmm, ok. So we planted these plants back in April and, after an initial flowering, the plants did not look very healthy. Upon the suggestion of a gardener, we gave the plants fertilizer and the situation has not gotten any better. Is it possible the plants have never fully grown into the new area and have just been slowly dying? Any advice as to what to do?

    Also, where can I find a Cooperative Extension office or Master Gardener clinic in my area?

  4. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    They don't look dying, just dyed. Similar effects are produced in rhododendrons when there are minerals in the soil they don't like. Search www for "california cooperative extension" or "california state university extension" or...for their web pages.

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