In The Garden: Phlox or Phlox-like weed?

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by LHillwig, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. LHillwig

    LHillwig New Member

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    Fire Island
    I have two kinds of Phlox in the garden.
    The ground cover kind and the kind that blooms on taller stalks.
    There are some very tall plants that are growing among the stalking kind that might or might not be Phlox. The stalks in question come directly out of the ground. I am thinking that the stalk should be coming from a little cluster of leaves (that which grows first in the spring). I did have some quite tall flower stalks last year and I have a few different colors of flowers. At this point I will probably wait to see what they yield - unless it is suggested that I pull them for the health/benefit of the surrounding plants (Phlox, Red Lobelia/Cardinal Flower, Chives, Montauk Daisies, Black Eyed Susan...

    Notice the tallest stalks (about 5 of them) growing among the Phlox which have just started to bloom (on much shorter stalks).
    I do think I had taller flower stalks last year, so I am hoping these are also Phlox.

    Any care to venture an opinion?

    Sorry the photo is sideways. I tried uploading it twice. Came out sideways both times.

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    Last edited: Jun 14, 2015

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