I forgot to post these photos a month ago when I found a strange fungus on the lawn beneath a Garry Oak tree. There were so many leaves on the ground, I must have dislodged it before noticing it was there. The second picture shows other fungi that were fruiting at the same time, in the same location but that could just be a co-incidence. A very knowledgeable mycologist I know tentatively suggested the weird mushroom might be Phlebia tremellosa (Merulius tremellosus) though he says he usually finds it on alder logs. Any thoughts?
Hi Margot, The first photo is of a Gomphidius, just old and a bit messed up. The second photo also shows a Gomphidius at bottom right, with some Suillus. Photo of underside of the caps is needed to confirm this, but there are other indications from topside that lead to this ID. What a season it has been! :-)