On a fallen branch. Very difficult to shoot well as the whites don't have details to focus. Deleted a lots and these 2 left are still not showing up the details well. Just a few faint bands.
Most fungal identifications require knowing the details of the appearance of the underside of the cap (for mushrooms that have a cap or cap-like structure). It is never responsible to make an ID without confirming those features ... however I am tempted to be that irresponsible person <grin> due to some familiar top-of-cap characters. If you don't have a photo of the underside, do you recall what it looked like?
Underside shots were impossible because they are on a large log on the ground, There was no way I could slip my camera under. But I don't think there is a cap. They just grow at 90 degree out from the log, conk like manner.
Gotcha. So, the shelving stem-less mushroom structure of mushrooms such as conks, turkey tails, brackets etc, is generally referred to as a cap without a stem. Conks for example are polypores and have a poroid surface under their caps. I am irresponsibly predicting your caps will be white, flat and wrinkled, and that this is likely Meruliopsis corium, a mushroom I enjoy finding, for its beautiful textures.
If I can re-locate it tomorrow, I'll spend a few dozen shots to see if I can bring out the texture. I think I have a mirror too. I might bring it along to see if can slip it under and shoot the mirror image to verify your predictions !
Sorry to inform : couldn't re-locate that this morning, though mirror at the ready ! Probably no go tomorrow, forecast rain !