Do any of you grow Philodendron crassinervium from southeastern Brazil? What can you tell me about the max size of the blade? The species is sometimes known as Philodendron lanciolatum or Philodendron alternans but according to the botanists they are the same plant. Well, most of them think so anyway! Steve
Thanks Mic! The greehouse keeper at MOBOT in St. Louis gave me a nice one so I'm trying to get info for a new page. I always appreciate your help.
Mic, have you observed multiple growth forms of Philodendron crassinervium? This photo was provided by Leland Miyano this morning. The grid is 1 inch (2.54 cm,) square. He has both forms (stable) that grow together. I suspect the multiple forms is what caused the variation known as Philodendron lanciolatum to have been described. The specimen I acquired in June is the first I've grown of this species so this one is new to me.
The one here is identical to yours , it came in a large batch of imported plants from Tom many years ago .
Thanks Mic. I've been reading all day on this species and hope to have the page underway late tomorrow.
I finally have the page on Philodendron crassinervium complete and it is now on the web. If you see any glaring errors please feel free to point them out. Illustrative photos, especially a photo of an inflorescence, would be much appreciated. crassinervium Philodendron lanceolatum.pc.html
The possible "mystery" as to whether or not the currently determined synonym names of Philodendron lanceolatum Schott and Philodendron alternans Schott are in fact synonymous with Philodendron crassinervium. Dr. Croat supplied Schott's original drawing of the inflorescence of the plants he described and it does not match the accepted appearance of Philodendron crassinervium. I've added the plate and an explanation to the page. crassinervium Philodendron lanceolatum.pc.html