Phalaenopsis overwatered

Discussion in 'Orchidaceae (orchids)' started by abfab, Sep 7, 2006.

  1. abfab

    abfab Member

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    Hi, I'm pretty new to world of flowers. I bought my first orchid from Costco a few months ago. I didn't realize that the inner pot could be removed (I swear I tried it soon after I bought it and it wouldn't come out) so I ended up majorly overwatering it... I haven't watered it in a couple of weeks and when I removed the innner pot today there was a lot of standing water inside.

    Now, the stem is starting to turn yellow... from the flowers to half way down... and the flowers are falling off. Also some of the whiteist roots have deep cracks... some are barely attached.

    One leave turned yellow but the rest are looking good and strong. there is also one root coming up that has a green tip.

    I hope I haven't killed it. What should I do?

  2. terrestrial_man

    terrestrial_man Active Member 10 Years

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    California, USA
    1. Check out the internet for the culture of Phalaenopsis.
    Print out all relevant and helpful pages.
    2. Repot the plant into a medium grade bark mix. Check local
    garden shops for specialty orchid mixes. Or online if none
    available locally. You can use regular landscaping bark as well.
    3. Make sure your growing temperatures are proper, water
    condition should be distilled, reverse osmosis, or rain for best
    culture, and provide filtered light-Phallys like the shade.

    On the flower spike dying back-don't worry as this is normal.
    The leaves on the bottom of the plant die first, so if that is the one you are losing no sweat but if not then repotting is a good option as you may have root loss.
    The white root with a green tip is a good sign of a healthy root.
    On repotting take care not to damage the roots. I would just sit the plant into an empty pot carefully sticking it in roots first and then slowly pouring in the bark. Water heavy after potting and let drain off before sitting it in its spot.
    If you only water weekly you may want to get a hand sprayer and mist it down daily at least once during late morning.

    In one of their natural habitats these plants grow on trees or on cliff faces and are generally rained on daily. Lots of wind helps dry them off and there is a high humidity.

    Be sure to check the cultural pages on times and types of fertilizers to use.

    I hope I covered briefly the gamulet!!

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