thank you shaun for the information on what it is growing off my flower spike....but i have some more questions if anyone can help me, now that i know i have a baby growing off my large orchid, when do i remove it and how do i remove it from the mother, it dosent appear to have any roots yet just the nob like bottom with 2 leaves comming off one about 1inch and a half the other just a half inch, also what do i pot the baby in when i do remove it and then what how often should i water it and should i give it fertilizer?...if anyone could help it would be great id love for it to survive and eventually bloom, thank you, ciara
With no roots yet you have lots of time to prepare. I wouldn't even think about removing the keiki until you have roots at least .5-1" long, I started wrapping the roots in strands of sphagnum moss around the roots to hold moisture longer. After removal pot into seedling or fine orchid bark mix (mature Phals usually in medium to coarse mix). Light should be bright indirect (Eastern exposure is about right, Southern too bright) although you can increase light exposure as your plant matures (many Phals are underlit). Watering to keep media moist but not sopping wet (err on the media being drier rather than over watering) and fertilize with orchid fertilizer every other watering but with a weaker strength. Good luck. Shaun