Peyote, peruvian torch graft.

Discussion in 'Cacti and Succulents' started by lozronz, Jul 10, 2009.

  1. lozronz

    lozronz Member

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    Wiltshire UK
    Hi! I'v fancied trying my hand and grafting for a while now and today had the good fortune to stumble apon a couple Lophora Williamsii in a garden centre collection for a quid each!!

    I have a Peruvian Torch that has gone crazy this year and doubled in size and was wondering about trying a flat graft onto about 3/4 of the way up.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated, I was wondering firstly, whether to put some clonex rooting gel on the cut? Secondly, have I correctly identified each cactus? Thirdly, can i repot the 1/3 left of the Trichocereus peruvianus so as not to waste it and how do you go about this?

    Cheers Laurence

    Oh! I forgot to mention I'm in the UK so I not breaking any possession laws!

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    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 13, 2010
  2. Trichoserious

    Trichoserious Member

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    Kingsville, Texas
    I would advise against it. You have beautiful peyote that look like they are already flowering size. Besides your torch is to small to be a good match for your yotes. Grafting is a gamble. If you would like to try your hand at it try grafting cactus seedlings to pereskiopsis. You will love it and it is a good place to build grafting confidence.
  3. Luke Harding

    Luke Harding Active Member

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    Westonbirt Arboretum, Great Britain
    You mention the pictured Peyote is of flowering size. I was told a while ago that Lophophora can take ages to flower. Mine is smaller than the ones above but has produced 3 huge flowers (in comparison to the size of the plant) in the last week. Is that normal?
  4. ErikAgaric

    ErikAgaric Member

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    Victoria, BC, Canada
    It is normal for peyote to reach maturity after only a couple years if they are in the right conditions. I've heard of some flowering at only 1.5 inches wide.

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