Pests.....Ortho any good?

Discussion in 'Citrus' started by elguevon, Jan 28, 2008.

  1. elguevon

    elguevon Member

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    I noticed on the underside of a couple leaves on my new dwarf lime tree (in-pot/indoors) from 4 Wind Growers, a grouping of 20-30 brown attached "specs". I looked closer and the specs are moving. Now this is on just 2 leaves, but concerned they are going to infest my tree. They are obviously some sort of insect, but I have no idea what. I have not seen any "webs" so either they are not spidermites or they are too young yet.

    I know a photo would help, but my digital camera just broke this weekend.

    I've read that the best solution is the 1% oil with 99% water mixture spray. Apart from trying to locate this oil, I happen to have "Ortho Ready-To-Use Rose & Flower Insect Killer". Claims it can be used on small trees and won't harm plants or blooms. Its 0.012% Bifenthrin and 99.988% other ingredients.

    Can I use this Ortho product for the interrim? My one question is it says "For use only on non-edible plants".

    My tree has no fruit or blooms yet, so is this product safe to use and effective on my citrus trees?

    Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  2. skeeterbug

    skeeterbug Active Member

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    Pensacola, USA
    If it says for non edible plants, I would not use it. Your pest is probably spider mites and can be killed with a solution of soapy water (1 tbs/gal), you will need 2-3 applications 7-10 days appart to kill unhatched eggs. You can also wipe the leaves with alcohol several times.

    The oil you are looking for can be called Volck oil, ultrafine oil, or dormant oil, use a 1% solution and spray 2-3 times as well.

  3. elguevon

    elguevon Member

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    3 days ago I sprayed the tree with 1% solution of soapy water.

    Today I picked up Horticulture Oil spray, but only could find a 2% solution


    1) Can I apply the oil spray immediately or do I need to wait longer because I sprayed it with the soap solution 3 days ago?

    2) Is the 1% vs the 2% solution I have a really big deal? Will it cause any issues?

    3) How often should I spray the tree with the oil spray?

    4) When can I expect the pests to be gone?

    Thanks for any advice you can offer!
  4. skeeterbug

    skeeterbug Active Member

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    Pensacola, USA
    I usually buy the oil in more or less pure form and then mix it, but it sounds like you purcahsed a ready to spray formulation, if it is intended to be sprayed directly, it should be OK. I would wait 7-10 days for the next spray, not because it would cause any problems, but so that the eggs have time to hatch and you can get the second generation.

    You can spray oil as often as needed, but never spray when temps are above 85F. Spray in early morn or evening.

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