I was in my favourite nursery today and they had a lovely Fuyu Persimmon tree. I have space for it but I'm wondering how well these trees might do in our climate. I'm on the Southern end of Vancouver Island. Anyone grown a persimmon tree ?
It's a Fuyu Persimmon and I couldn't resist - bought it today. The nursery people tell me that it should do well here. Still would like to hear from anyone who has one.
I was looking for a Fuyu last fall and wound up getting a bare root Tam Kam instead. It's just starting to bud now : )
I have a Fuyu growing in a container on our deck. It fruits well but the fruits do need a long enough period of warmth to ripen. That ain't going to happen this year - the start to the growing season is just too late. The sight of a Fuyu tree, bare of leaves, burdened with golden fruits in late fall is quite a sight to behold. Unless the crazy squirrels get to them first.
Hi There, I grew a persimmon tree at my last location a suburb of Vancouver, BC. It took three years to fruit but it did fruit and ripen in October. It wasn't a very big tree at the time - maybe about 12 ft tall and height was is slow growing. The branches were quite weak and had some snow damage the year before so learn from my mistake and clear the snow off. :) I now have a tree in a pot at my new location and has fruits starting on it. Hopefully i can report with more details after this year. Good luck!
Getting a bumper crop from my Fuyu this year. This will be the 4th year in the ground. Have a question though. I kept a seed from a Fuyu persimmon (fruit) I bought at Costco......germinated, and planted. It is now in it's third year. The older tree in planted in the back yard, and the 'from seed' is in the front. Why the huge difference is autumn color?? The fruit from both are delicious, and I can't detect a difference. Thanks in advance for any insight!
Each cultivars has its own physiology....as one ripens fruits before, another mantains leaver longer...just a matter of cultivars :) !! P.s. The right (not all) Persimmon can withstand 0° F !!!
It's now four years. We've had a couple of bad winters (below -10C since my post above yours, and there's been no ill effects. Produces an abundance of fruit, but they seem to have reverted back to being astringent. Needs to fully ripen on the tree. Should also mention that the back tree (from nursery) produces an abundance of fruit every season. Although from everything I've read, fuyu produce well every second year.
ZekeStone, do you harvest the persimmon fruit after the first frost? I'm not familiar with the Japanese persimmons; but, when I lived in Missouri, we harvested the wild persimmons after the first frost. They were normally astringent before that time.