I just purchased this Bush Persian Lime ( a cutting) and this is what I received. Do I separate these or just transplant them as is? All my other citrus trees are grafted so cuttings are all new to me. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
They should grow ok either way. I grow a few different citrus together in pots and they have done well for quite a few years. Be sure to trim them to keep a balance if grown together as otherwise one will tend to dominate at the expense of the other. Naturally they will grow better in separate pots as they don't share resources and compete then, but separating them carries a bit of risk. If you do separate them be careful not to damage the roots.
The roots are already coming out of the bottom of the pot so I figured I would do more harm than good by trying to untangle them. I just wasn't sure if both of them could be grown together. I ordered some coffee plants and received 6 plants in one container, once, and remember how difficult that was. Thanks so much for your Reply Gerry