Perfect time to see Sorbus flowers

Discussion in 'Talk about UBC Botanical Garden' started by wcutler, May 18, 2013.

  1. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    We've posted a lot of Sorbus fruits, many but not all of which are in the Perfect time to see Sorbus fruits thread. Here's a Sorbus flowers thread, though I'm not sure why, since the flowers all look pretty much the same to me. I'll start with one whose flowers look different, because they're pink - Sorbus rosea.
    20130516_UBCBG_SorbusRosea_Cutler_P1460358.jpg 20130516_UBCBG_SorbusRosea_Cutler_P1460362.JPG

    Here's Sorbus keissleri.
    20130516_UBCBG_SorbusKeissleri_Cutler_P1460398.jpg 20130516_UBCBG_SorbusKeissleri_Cutler_P1460406.jpg

    Sorbus sp. aff. thibetica

    Sorbus zahlbruckneri. These simple leaves seem to all be in groups of three.
    20130516_UBCBG_SorbusZahlbruckneri_Cutler_P1460418.jpg 20130516_UBCBG_SorbusZahlbruckneri_Cutler_P1460412.jpg 20130516_UBCBG_SorbusZahlbruckneri_Cutler_P1460415.jpg

    Sorbus commixta
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    Here's one that really does look different - Sorbus reducta. This is a dwarf shrub, with wonderfully shiny and slightly hairy leaves. I was looking to see if this really showed a winged rachis. From Flora of China, I confirmed that, and I learned the word sulcate, describing the grooved (groovy!) rachis.
    20130516_UBCBG_SorbusReducta_Cutler_P1460567.jpg 20130516_UBCBG_SorbusReducta_Cutler_P1460568.jpg

    This Sorbus decora had some extra interest as well.
    20130516_UBCBG_SorbusDecora_Cutler_P1460754.jpg 20130516_UBCBG_SorbusDecora_Cutler_P1460752.jpg
    Last edited: May 18, 2013
  2. Michael F

    Michael F Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Britain zone 8/9
    Your spring looks about a month ahead of here, rowans here are still in early leaf-out with flower buds just appearing or even (e.g. Sorbus sargentiana) not in leaf at all yet.

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