Perennials in containers IDEAS???

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by blooms, Jul 17, 2015.

  1. blooms

    blooms New Member

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    I have been trying to grow some flowers in containers,, for a balcony area
    only success were petunias but i hoped to have other variety

    The space is fairly big , have a cedar tree in pot, doing great.
    but others not so, tried lavender no success, a hydrangea turned yellow, irises ok but after hot temps some went yellow. Added a climbing vine for some coverage and privacy that is growing but slowly.
    Lilies Marco Polos seem to do ok, and dahlias

    Would really like some advice or suggestions for what types of plants grow
    in containers and like a west partial sun , sunny spot late afternoon.
  2. TheScarletPrince

    TheScarletPrince Member

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    Texas, Zone 7b, US
    My advice is to look up your Zone on the map and check which plants grow best for your region.
    Knowing what the plant does well in, such as what you desire (partial sun) is what you want to look for.
    Helping the plants grow better, have you tried Mykos or azos? You also want to be sure to have big enough pots otherwise the plants get root bound fairly quickly and that stresses them if you don't trim roots.

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