Hello! I found this plant in our neighborhood and was wondering if anyone could identify it? I haven't knocked on the neighbor's door yet, but I will next time they're home.
Looks like Gaura lindheimeri. http://www.google.co.uk/search?pq=g...&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaura_lindheimeri
Thanks for posting this Gaura, BrandeeK. I was just going to post the same one for an ID, but I knew I'd seen it here recently, so have been looking thru every posting. I'm adding some words to this thread, as it didn't come up on my search: sprays of pink flowers, long narrow (lanceolate) leaves. There seem to be four petals, not symmetrically arranged, narrow buds covered by deep maroon-coloured sepals. Still blooming in late autumn; I'm not sure when blooming starts here. Common names are whirling butterflies and white gaura (though it comes in white and pink, it seems to be called "white gaura" even when it's pink, according to this Floridata page). Here are the ones I found on a nearby street corner, probably a "Green Streets" planting (planted and maintained by a neighbourhood volunteer).
It is such a beautiful plant, I'm happy to know what it is. We have a new flower bed in our front yard that would be a great spot for gaura. I'm thinking white, "whirling Butterflies".