This plant hasn't been very weedy in that it doesn't spread around the yard but the flowers are not much to look at, though I think those arching stems are sort of interesting. Can someone ID this? Thank you.
Reminds me of a Helleborine, Epipactis. A close up picture of an open flower would help identification.
I was hoping I wouldn't need a flower picture since I didn't think I could find one amongst my hundreds of garden pictures but it's found and it looks like your ID is a good one. Thank you!
I think you have an orchid there. If it's perennial in Ohio, must be pretty hardy. I wouldn't consider it a weed, rather - something to be proud of! I bow out to more learned folk at this point. gb
I am also very envious, Epipactis helleborine, is in the Orchid family. They are hardy here in Britain, and grow wild in certain areas.
Yeah, that seems pretty neat to me too. It doesn't appear to be invasive here in this part of Ohio, at least, so I think this one is a keeper. It's pretty inconspicuous where it is currently but maybe now that I know what it is and plan on keeping it I can give it a better spot.