This succulent peperomia is turning yellow around the base and getting kind of transparent. Leaves haven't started falling off yet or anything, and it's got new growth at the top, but yellow isn't good. Since it's a solid yellow, I'm thinking too little light (was on a south facing window, but it's winter here & little window light). I've moved it under the fluorscent grow lights. Any ideas about what else might be causing the yellow and/or what I should do for it? Also, I know it's a peperomia from the flowers (not in this pic) but can't find an ID for it on the web. Anyone else out there growing one of these who might know what it is?
Thanks for the input. Don't think it's due to over watering, though, as I know these plants are subject to rot from that and use a water meter to check myself. I thought the yellowing (solid color, not just between veins) indicated a light problem. Any thoughts on if this assumption is right or not? Thanks again.
If it's not overwatered and the stems or roots are ok and not soft, it could possibly be yellow from a pest or disease problem. it's hard to say. I'm not even sure what peperomia that is, I can't place it. Be careful using waters meters, they are not always accurate.
if light was the problem, i'd think the discoloration would start from the top down and/or affect the whole plant. i've not grown too many pep's and that one is not one that i have or have had, so i could be off in my comment. if you're sure it's a succulent, then it doesn't need much water at all. and it should be in a very well draining soil - something that does not have retention properties so that it can thoroughly dry out between waterings. regular potting soil with nothing added to break it up a bit will compact and will retain too much water. what is the soil mix it's in?