I am trying to source Pelagonium 'Angeleyes Orange' without having to obtain a physosanitary certificate to bring it in from England or the U.S. Does anyone know where I can obtain one. Also I am interested in obtaining see for the Pansy-faced pelagoniums. Again any idea where I can obtain this seed? Any help would be greatly appreciated. By the way, I am on the Island.
It looks like this is a plant that is mostly found in England or the Netherlands. However, if you can find a source in the continental U.S., it can be imported as a houseplant without a phytosanitary certificate: D-08-04: Plant Protection Import Requirements for Plants and Plant Parts for Planting - Canadian Food Inspection Agency.
Also, you may want to check with Home | Cowiche Creek Nursery in Washington state. Search engines return a link (www.cowichecreeknursery.com/product/geranium-regal-angel-eyes-orange-2/), now dead, which looks promising.
Thanks for the lead. Have checked and no luck--not even a Martha Washington. Will continue to search. Regards.