I have one pear tree and and it doesnt bear fruit. Last year it had two pears on it. Can I self pollinate it, and how? In the spring it has lots of flowers on it I live in northern Florida.
Is your pear tree an Asian one? I have one Asian pear tree (I forgot how old it is (-: but I have learned that as I trimmed the tree toward the end of Dec. it seems to help the tree bear more fruit next year, for instant 2 years ago the tree gave me 3 pears, this year I had 7 (-: Hope I was some what helpful. Vina1
I realise that this is a very old thread... however for what it is worth. You really need at least 2 pear trees of different cultivars, in order to get the necessary cross pollination of the flowers to produce the fruit. However, pear trees can flower at different times, so it is very important to get 2 trees that come into flower at the same time. 2nd link shows suggested cultivars, that flower at the same time. Even trees that are labeled as self fertile, will crop a lot better if cross pollinated.Asian pears (apple pears) may be partly self-fertile. http://apps.rhs.org.uk/advicesearch/Profile.aspx?pid=378 http://www.ashridgetrees.co.uk/Pollination-Pear-Trees Advice here about pruning http://apps.rhs.org.uk/advicesearch/Profile.aspx?pid=164
Thank you for your suggestion. Boy, do I need to hear it! I shall pull out the rose I put just a little bit too close to the Asian pear tree and put in another pear tree, hopefully I will smile alot to see the pears hanging beautifully. I also have an apricot tree but hardly any fruits at all, I watered it, sing to it (just kidding), prune it, etc... But this time I will look into the website you have provided to do more appropriately. I'm a new kid on this block site (-: Vina1
Some pear trees can grow rather large. Don't plant your 2nd one too close to the first! As long as they are within 100ft/33m from each other that will be fine for cross pollination. To get pollination to take place you need the help of bees. So plant as many flowering plants as you can to attract the bees into your garden. Recommended flowers see... http://www.enjoygardening.com/wp-content/downloads/FruitTreePollination.pdf
Thank you Silver Surfur. I have plenty of bees in my garden due to having a loquat tree (spelling unsure). I shall get 1 more pear tree to help the 1st one some time, hopefully this coming year.
Good to hear about the bees. However, you need them in your garden at exactly the same time as the pear tree flowers are open. Will this be when your bees are visiting the Loquat flowers? Good luck for a bumper crop.... soon!