i got brown spots on my pear tree leaves and pears ,not sure if they safe to eat. do not want my family to get sick or something. it would be nice to find out what this is disease is thanks.
Spots on the leaves remind me of "Pear Trellis Rust". Google that and you'll get all sorts of info. I don't think the brown spots on the fruit is anything to worry about. As I remember my pears looked much like that. But the're other people on the forum that are far more knowledgeable than I in this area. barb
The rust is getting really well established here, that's the leaf spotting you're seeing. Not lethal to the tree as far as I know. Your pears look identical to our "Conference" fruit here...an excellent variety in my opinion because they seem totally scab resistant. The browning of the skin is a natural russeting that is typical of this variety...nothing wrong there.