Hi there- I live in the Pacific Northwest and I am going to be planting my Peaches and Cream JP today or tomorrow and I have some questions. This JP is 6-8 years old and I would like to plant it in an elevated bed with mulch/soil that will help it fluorish. Any suggestions? There is a huge oak tree that will protect it from mid afternoon sun. The spot is near the front of my house which will give the tree shade in the morning, dappled shade in the afternoon and direct sun from 3-5 pm. It's the best spot I have and I want it to do well... especially since its a favorite! Thanks for any advice! Jenny
Hi. Your tree looks really good. I do not have any experience with Peaches and Cream, nor with Pacific Northwest sunshine, but may be the afternoon sun, from 3 to 5, might cause some problems, specifically leaf burn, but generally speaking stress, which you want to avoid. When you say it's the best spot, do you mean the rest is all shade, or all sunshine? because best would be morning sun, may be even dappled sun and shade in the afternoon, and out of the wind as well. You could work around this by placing (in a pot, for instance) a shade casting plant next to it, prolonging the dappled shade into the evening. May be someone who knows Peaches and Cream can tell you more about its needs. Good luck.
Thanks for the advice... My husband and I have decided to leave the JM in the pot and i'm going to watch how much sun that spot exactly gets. If the tree seems to be stressed it'll be easy to move that way. That is actually a really good suggestion to get a larger tree in a pot to put next to it. I hadn't thought about that one. Thanks a bunch! Jenny
The raised bed is not a bad idea, actually, as it might be easier to keep the tree alive there than in a pot, given a few cultural adjustments, like may be the sun question, and making sure the soil in the bed is adequate, something you could verify this season. But I'd plant it in the fall.
Thanks for the advice... i'll make plans to plant it in the fall - after making sure the spot i've chosen is o.k. Jenny