I am more the veggie garden part of this equation and know very little about fruit trees, but, I would like to try for a second time to plant a new peach tree alongside of the house (stucco). Will planting a peach in this location affect the integrity of drain tiles? We had removed a mature peach tree (no idea as to the variety) that was in place when we bought the home, thinking it was the cause of our drain problems and have regretted it ever since. Spraying it during the winter for peach curl was also staining the stucco. We are located in the Alberni Valley and I would like to know if anyone has any recommendations for type of tree to put in. I realize that the Corona-shut downs may be a challenge re: locating a source. Thanks
I had a 'frost' variety planted against the west side of my Stucco house in Campbell River for years. Always produced an abundance of tasty peaches with 0 leaf curl issues (I never sprayed either). 'Frost' is a pretty common variety sold on the Island, I think I got mine fro C-tire years back...
Thank you... good ol' C-tire! who knew. Good to know about not spraying: the smell and stain on the stucco was a bit ugly. Thanks