Please if you can help me! I have a peach tree, the bark is peeling off to the bare wood in spots, the leaves are yellowing and falling from the tree, and the fruit drops off lonfg before it is time to pick, basically from the time it starts to form and the fruit that does not fall seems to rot on the tree and dries up. This is the second year that this happened, can you give me some insight on what action to take? Or direct me to someone who can help? Andrew Krause
Hi, Your tree may have, "Peach brown rot," A fungal infection that leads to petal blight, fruit rot and stem cankers. Symptoms also include fruit mummification like that you described seeing on your tree. For more information and pictures please refer to: Thanks
Would brown rot cause the bark to peal from the tree at the base as well as on the trunk where the limbs extend out from the tree?