Peach Tree Problems;

Discussion in 'Fruit and Nut Trees' started by rick102360, Aug 31, 2007.

  1. rick102360

    rick102360 Member

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    south sioux city, NE
    I have three peach trees that have not had any fruit for two years now. They are about seven years old, and the last time I was able to harvest the peaches they had grown to the size of softballs. The intense weight caused a couple of the limbs to break, but I was able to tie them to the trunk before they completely came off. These limbs lasted for another season or two before they died. I have noticed some sap on the trunk and holes in some of the leaves.
    Does anyone have any idea about what could be stopping them from fruiting? And what I can do to remedy the problem. Thank for any Help.
    P.S. -- I have included a few pictures.

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  2. splicer

    splicer Member

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    Calgary Alberta Canada
    Gramps always removed broken branches to prevent wood rot and fungus from the apple orchard. He usually sealed the cut with tar I think?.
    Is that white on the trunk a dusty growth? I wonder if it would be possible to go to an arbourist in your area. I think You might have an grub infestation or fungus or possibly both. However don't quote me on that. I just don't have enough experience with fruit trees. I hope someone that knows more then I do can help.
  3. Daniel Mosquin

    Daniel Mosquin Paragon of Plants UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

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