peach tree gel

Discussion in 'Fruit and Nut Trees' started by Roger Hawkes, Feb 18, 2015.

  1. Roger Hawkes

    Roger Hawkes Active Member

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    Sidney B.C. Canada
    Last summer I notice our peach tree was oozing a gel like substance down the trunk to it's base.
    I thought the hole in the deck might be too tight so I made the hole larger.

    I noticed a large black gel at the base of the tree on Tuesday. I'm not sure if the tree is diseased and dying?

    I provided a pvc pipe to the base in order to water it in the summer. In the winter the lot gets quite wet.

    We have an apple tree which is on the lower part of our property and never produced any apples where another tree on a higher level 20 feet away has an abundance.

    The apple tree was planted in a wet area.

    Any thoughts as to the peach tree problem? It has provided a lot of peaches over the years. I would hate to loose it.


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  2. vitog

    vitog Contributor 10 Years

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    Burnaby, Canada
    The gum is probably from peach tree borers that tunnel into the base of the trunk. I've had this problem for years on my rather old peach tree. I haven't tried to do anything about it because I'm replacing the old tree with a new one. There are chemical sprays that can be applied, but I'm going to try wrapping the lower trunk with row cover material to see if it can keep the borers away from my new peach tree.
  3. Roger Hawkes

    Roger Hawkes Active Member

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    Sidney B.C. Canada
    It looks like I have a lot of work ahead of me just to clear the away the gel like goo from the base of the tree and check it for borers.
    In the comments below the video one suggestion is it could be a Cytospora Canker disease which bleeds a golden sap. I remember seeing some further up the trunk.

    Sure a lot of info available once you start looking.

    Thanks for your reply and good luck

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