PEACE LILY wilting and yellowing please HELP!!

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by buddy64, Jun 21, 2012.

  1. buddy64

    buddy64 Member

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    Toronto, Ca
    Hello all,

    I'm new to horticulture and also to this forum, and both seem really intriguing to me!
    But here's a problem I have to ask for ur guys help,

    I have a peace lily at home, repotted it with 100% heavy compost for first time after purchase, and the plant became wilted and drooping few days after the first watering, we assumed it's coz the lack of air in the soggy soil so we repotted again, cleaned and chopped off some rotted roots and, with some advise, putting a mixture of peat moss, compost, sand and bark in the pot as soil.

    We watered the newly potted plant the second day after repotting, but it seems that it didn't get much better, even more foliages started to droop and turn yellow every day, especially during the night. The soil inside seems to be still moist, after no major watering for 3 days, but not soggy like last time; I spray the leaves and floor nealyby everyday just to keep the moisture high. There are some new foliages ready to unfold but the old ones aren't doing really well.

    Please help if anyone knows where the problem is and what should I do now!! I would really appreciate any follow-ups I'm so desparate we all love this plant!!


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  2. lorax

    lorax Rising Contributor 10 Years

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    Toronto, Ontario
    Give it time, but don't water it or spray it anymore - it's looking like the wild ones here do after flooding. Let it dry out and it should perk back up.

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