For the past month or so my peace lily has started producing flowers with a 2nd smaller white petal (is that the right name?) opposite the large one. There are two flowers (out of 7 total) now that have it. I had a good look around the internet for peace lily pictures, and couldn't find any with a 2nd petal like this, so I'm wondering what it is. The plant is on a windowsill in fairly bright indirect sunlight for about half the day, but hasn't been moved in 2 years, and has been flowering on and off for most of this time. I water it every two weeks or so, and put in a bit of fertilizer probably once a year. I tried to attach photos, but don't seem to be allowed to, so have a look here: Dropbox - IMG_20160322_084414.jpg Dropbox - IMG_20160322_084529.jpg Dropbox - IMG_20160322_084536.jpg
Spathiphyllum spp. apparently can do this from time to time. Aroid Forum: Anthurium with double spathe. That's a link to a very old post where someone asks about irregularities in Anthurium spp. spathes. That white hood is the spathe, the warty column in the middle is the spadix. I would wonder if there was some incidental damage, like it was chilled too much one night, or had some new type fertilizer, or topical leaf treatment done to it. I'd guess that subsequent blooms will be back to normal, perhaps in a couple of months.
Interesting. Apparently double spathes do occur sometimes in Spathiphyllum and Anthurium. It supposedly happens when "conditions are bad": Spathiphyllum wallisii
Interesting, and thanks for the info. I haven't done anything to the leaves, and it's been quite a while since it was last fertilized so maybe it's getting root-bound? I moved it to a bigger pot about 6 months ago, and it's grown prolifically since. Maybe it's time again.