Some pictures of my Passion Flower (Lady Margaret). Last year I grew this plant outdoors, and took six cuttings and had two successes with rooting. This is a picture of the one I kept. It grew very slowly this is the growth from Aug 2005 to 12 June 2006. The first flower appeared today. Pictures of the leaf are included. The veins in the leaf are not as pronounced as in another three tanged blue passion flower leaf I also have. This is a very striking flower, and is a change from the normal blue passion flowers. There are numerous flowering buds, so I expect more flowers. The plant last year grew quite large, but only produced a few flowers- not nearly a prolific as the two blue flowering plants that I have. Some information on this Passion Flower (Lady Margaret) Durgan.
That's magnificent! A nice change from many others I've seen, and certainly the nearly wild Passiflora caerulea we see around here. I'm trying Passiflora quadrangularis from seed. Nothing so far after a month. Fingers crossed. Cheers, LPN.
Passiflora quadrangularis. That one looks marvellous. One should be proud growing it. I just may give it a try, also. Thanks for the lead. Durgan.