Very nice! How old is your tree? I have one here in the central Okanagan valley, that has been growing for eighteen years. Last year it speeded up a lot, and has now begun to send out the typical lateral branches, but never a flower!
Probably a seedling. The fountain shape is made by cuttings. Seedlings tend to have a central leader.
This tree is about 12-13 years in this spot, pretty good size when we planted it. Nice, multi-stemmed shape, great fall color, tho it always loses its leaves from the tips in, and never seems to shed those inner leaves til spring. Here it is in fall color-
Mine drops leaves in exactly the same way...branch tips first. Right now it still has leaves on close to the main stem. It has taken some time to get established but recently has started to grow well. I expect that it is in a tougher environment here in the Okanagan than yours is. As far as I can determine, the environment here does resemble its native area. I have planted Eremurus in the same part of the garden, and they have done very well, creating almost a thicket of self sown seedlings. Last year, one of the Eremurus flower spikes was 11 feet tall. Sorry I don't have the techno. to post photos (yet).
Just wodering, Terry, if your tree always colors up this well in fall. Mine tends more toward the yellow tones. Maybe this is another instance where trees need to be individually selected for fall color?