The pics show what is growing between the leaves. They started coming up around the end of Nov. Are these seed pods?? Just a guess so I am looking forward to any help. Whatever they are, should I leave them or cut them off?
Looks like a tiny Chamaedorea palm (the genus has a number of fine house plants). Those are flower stalks, which suggests it's reasonably happy.
Thankyou Junglekeeper & Dave-Florida for the quick replies! Now that I know what those are, I am going to leave them alone. I'm sure glad I asked before I cut them off and it makes me feel great to know that the plant is happy!
Yup! Its happy! Also, you can try to pollinate them to produce seeds. Plant those seeds and you can have more Parlor palm!
Chamaedoreas are dioecious (plants are either male or female but not both); you cannot pollinate a single Chamadorea without a second one of the same species but opposite sex. Also the seeds are slow germinators anyway (2-4 months with bottom heat; up to a year without).
Peperomia & mrsubjunctive: Thanks to both of you for the replies. I am not interested in growing more of this plant. The one is just fine as I don't have much room for doubles of many plants.