Catalpa erubescens 'Purpurea' The Parksville Community Park has a small arboretum . . . I think this is the tree in your photo (though I can't see it too clearly).
I think the leaves are too narrow for that. I would expect this to be xChitalpa tashkentensis 'Pink Dawn'. These bloom later than Catalpa, were just starting at UBCBG last week. Here's the thread where I learned about this: https://forums.botanicalgarden.ubc....lpa-and-whats-with-these-skinny-leaves.70608/
I wondered about the leaves too. I'll try to find out in the next couple of days if there are other Catalpas in the aboretum. Catalpa erubescens 'Purpurea' is definitely listed but it's hard (for me anyway) to find a comprehensive list of all the trees. Here's more about the arboretum, if you're interested:
I found a list of 88 trees in the Parksville Arboretum and the only Catalpa is Catalpa erubescens 'Purpurea'. So, unless the tree in @Maclandscaper 's post is not a catalpa at all, it seems that it has been misidentified. xChitalpa tashkentensis 'Pink Dawn' does look like a good possibility but isn't on the list. I wonder if the tree in OP's photo might be the listed Cladrastis kentukea, commonly called American yellowwood? I'll go to the park in the next few days and see for myself. 60 x 40 Updated colours ( Will let you know what I find,
Try searching for it as: × Chitalpa (copy and paste this and the next one, to get the correct arithmetical symbol) ×Chitalpa x Chitalpa xChitalpa Chitalpa If you're doing a search, using just chitalpa should work, but if you're scrolling the list, there are five places to check. There is always the possibility that it was ID'd as something else. Here is the one at UBC Botanical Garden, at peak bloom now.
I finally went over to the Arboretum at the Parksville Community Park and agree that tree #75 on the map is certainly not a Catalpa. I doubt that there is a Catalpa erubescens 'Purpurea' anywhere in the collection. The tree in that spot looks very like the one Wendy mentioned - xChitalpa tashkentensis 'Pink Dawn'. When I have a chance, I'll call the parks department and see if anyone is interested. Map: 60 x 40 Updated colours (