This has been a lovely and hardy perennial, in its third year for me, and survived this past winter nicely, whether one would call it a "groundcover", a "dwarf shrub", or, just a perennial -- it fills out into a nice hump about 6 to 8 inches high, neat and rounded, full of rather wiry little stems covered with small leaves and soon, small white flowers. I would like to recommend it for our supposedly milder climate in the Pacific NW or similar, not knowing where Parahebe is native to, and to suggest it for a rock garden with some sun available. The buds sparkle above the flowers like a wedding bouquet...
Additional info on this plant, from ..."Parahebe catarractae grows beside streams, on cliffs and rocky places in lowland to mountain areas of North Island, South Island, and Stewart Island, New Zealand. A variable plant with several forms in cultivation"