I just purchased a 4" pot with a couple of Spicerianum Paph seedlings. Each plant has about 5 leaves that are about about 2-3" long and 0.5-0.75" wide. How do you care for such young plants and how long should I expect the plant to grow until it becomes of flowering size? I'll post some pictures later... Thanks!
In orchids this usually called compot (community pot) and was the next step after the flask stage. These should already be somewhat hardened to lower humidy levels (as opposed to within a flask) but I would still recommend a gentle transition from loosely covered with a clear or partially open bag to exposed and uncovered. If these seedlings are growing lots of roots you may want to think about repotting in the near future or if they have recently been potted together you can wait about 6 months. I'm not sure about your conditions or what P. spicerianum requires but again a careful transition into brighter light is recommended as well. With Paph seedlings your looking at at least 3-4 years before bloom (they are probably 1 year now), some Paph species can take 10-12 years to see your first bloom. Good-luck Shaun