Papaver somniferum (Opium Poppies) This is the first bloom 2007. It is a Danish Flag with a white center. The plant has about ten flowering heads. The vegetation is very distinctively different compared to Shirley poppies. This year I have many different types and am in the process of classifying with pictures and names. 20 June 2007 Papaver Somniferum Laciniatum (Poppy Venus) (Peony Type) 7 July 2007 Papaver Somniferum ( Similar to Danish Flag but has a black center flag. Very pretty. Bees are very active amongst these flowers. 12 July 2007. Simple method for the description of Papaver Somniferum (P.S.) Poppies. The Papaver Somniferm poppies were first grown two years ago. The number of different flowers has become over-whelming. The information on the Internet for naming of the various flowers is more confusing than helpful. The simple system presented here is certainly not complete or adequate, but it will give the layperson a simple method of describing a P. S. flower. Many P.S poppies have diferent common names that are not readily comprehensible. Anyway I hope this simple system is helpful, until something better is presented.