I planted two new pampas grass in a very sunny location last spring. It grew great, but did not have any blooms or plums in the fall. Does it take some time for these to develope blooms?
Thank you for your reply. Actually, I purchased them from Lowes in gallon pots. They were about a foot tall then, and grew to about two feet diameter last summer and over 6' tall. Maybe they will bloom this year.
Sounds like they were really happy, it could be the fertility of the soil, there are pretty much two reasons why a plant will flower well, one is if its happy, and two if its under stress, like it thinks...oh crap...im going to die, bess put all my efforts into one last attempt at reproduction...if we keep our pampas pot bound by the second year they will flower, well fed and plenty of room to spread their roots, and they concentrate on growing first. If you can find the variety Goldband AKA Aureolineata (all names spelt from memory so excuse any slight errors) anyway goldband is a brilliant pampas, the flower plumes are silky white, and they are such good ground cover............one to avoid is Silver fountain, i found it quite weak. Always buy the variety pumila in flower some can have dirty looking flowers while others have very white flowers.