The average temp. in Akureyri , Iceland is similar to Vancouver but less rain. I wonder if palms would grew there? Krzysztof
It's not the average temps that are the problem for the palms, but the lows. The only palm that I know of that can take up to -20*F (-28.89*C) is the Needle Palm (Rhapidophyllum hystrix). Newt
I believe Palm Society member J.D. Rowell of Sacramento, California has already planted a couple of Trachycarpus in Iceland. He also planted two in Sitka, Alaska and they have been doing just fine for the past 6 or 7 years now. In a super sheltered location T.fortunei should work in Iceland. They are an easy arborecent palm to bring through the winter for northern experimenters. Cheers, Banana Joe