Hey there, New to the site but I have a problem with a couple of palm trees. I just moved in to a new home with 2 palm trees in the front yard. I live in the desert and they are native to the area, but the reason for my question is I think they are dying! I moved from a home across town with a mature palm tree (same type) and I thought I knew how to care and maintain these palms?! My palms are about 2 feet tall so far but they have not grown one inch since I have been here (about 1 month). I am watering about twice a day making sure to cover the drainage area, and I spiked them with fertilizer about 2 weeks ago. Still no change?????? Any suggestions on what to do for these poor plants? Am I watering too little or too much, should I add a soil conditioner< I am at a loss! Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!! Thanks Erin Davis
I feel you are expecting too much from your palms. Palms are slow gowers & in a month yo may not see much growth. Except for lack of growth, are they loking unhealthy? If not nothing to worry about.
These particular Palm Trees are fast growers. A neighbor has the same kind and moved in 2 weeks before me, hers have grown over a 1ft in about a month and half. Like I said I have taken care of this species of Palms at my old house; I had to prune them once every week and a half, but they were mature. I was told that if I wanted them grow taller to prune them often so the trunk would get taller. When I got here some of the fronds were dead and brown so I pruned them and made it look better. As for looking healthy I don't think they do. The fronds are starting to fray, however being green, and they are not growing. The new growth in the middle has not gotten any longer since they were planted. We checked the fertilizer last night and it is getting into the soil. Do you have any suggestions on what I can do to save them? How often should I water; once or twice a day? The other palms were on a drip system so I never had to worry about that. Thank you for posting a reply to my problem any help is appreciated!!!
Are you sure that your plant is palm? The way you mention about pruning, fast growth of neighbour's plant, I feel it is not a palm. It is advisable that you post the picture for its proper identity.
erin...do you know what genus of palm trees you have? Washingtonia & Phoenix are quite common to the region. This will perhaps help in assisting you. Cheers, LPN.