Greetings; I am looking for anything and everything on palm tissue culture. I am presently a student working towards a career in the preservation and conservation of palms. My company is in the midst of establishing a tissue culture lab, and although we work with saintpaulia, I will be allowed to work on palm tissue culture on the side. If you have any leads or information, please feel free to email me. Sincerely; Lorraine Carr Holtkamp Greenhouses/Optimara 1501 Lischey Avenue Nashville, Tennessee 37207 615-573-4065
Hello Lorraine, welcome to the Forums. I hope you can find help with palm tissue culture information. I will put it past our tissue culture tech. at the CPR. I am sure people will be interested in the work you are doing with temperate palms that you refered to in your post in the Palm Forum. (The link you provided was not good. I deleted it. I think I found the proper link for the organization. Please verify.) Once again welcome,