I just purchased this palm but there was no identification or care instructions with it. I did repot using Miracle Grow Potting Soil. After reading about palms it sounds like I should have used a different type of soil but I'm not sure. The new pot gives is another inch or two to grow in. I bought it to be placed on my deck where there is plenty of direct sun in the morning and indirect sunlight throughout the rest of the day. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Chamaedorea elegans or Parlor Palm. The potting soil you used will be fine for it, I have one, but I've been battling spider mites, so I'm probably the last person to give husbandry advice.
Thanks Laticauda. Do you know if the direct sun in the morning will hurt it? Looking at info on parlor palms they all suggest indirect light sources. I don't have anywhere to put it where it won't get at least some direct sunlight throughout the day.
I have mine in a east facing window, if you have a north facing window, then that will get even less light. I think as long as you gradually get the plant used to the higher light levels, then it will be ok. Morning sun isn't nearly as intense as afternoon/evening sun, so I think you should be ok. The best way to find out is to try it, and see how the plant does after a few weeks, if IT seems happy, then it doesn't matter what care sheets say, that's what works! It's a very beautiful specimen, I must say! Quite a catch. Mine is much smaller, I wonder how long it takes them to grow that big?
I have no idea how fast it grows. Mine is sitting at about four and a half feet right now. I thought I read somewhere that they only grow about that big. I was very happy with the purchase, only 10 bucks at Produce Junction in Hatboro PA. I opened an umbrella over a table I have on the deck which limited more of the sun but it appears it's still going to get sun from around 11 to 2. I don't want to hurt it so I covered it with a white cotton sheet. I used some plant stakes to keep it off the leaves. I'm hoping if I do that for a week or so it will adjust more easily to the sun.
Its actually a chameadorea cataractarum, they seem to be poping up everywhere these days. They need lots of water, i water miine twice a week, i never let it dry, but i dont let it get muddy either. The more sun its in, the more water it seems to need. I have this plant myself, ive had 2 over the last year. Very nice, watch out dor spider mites Everything you are doing seems to be fine, especially the miracle grow mix.
Hmm, I'm not sure what you have is a Chamaedorea elegans/parlor palm.... The stems on yours look too fat and the individual leaves too long. Parlor palm leaves are shorter, also wider in the middle then the one in the photo.
This is my "cat palm". Well it was, i left it out west in the move. it was very sick as you can see, but, it is the same plants as this one, and it was labeled chamedorea cataractarum "cat palm". I bought another one and it is sitting happily in my living room.
Thanks all. I'll let you kow how things go during the next week. So far so good. I do have one more question. There were a few stems that did not look the greatest. One was turning brown and one was broken during transport, another had some holes in the leaves. The question is, does it hurt or help to cut these off?
Canadianplant, I don't see a picture attached. I'd like to see your Cat Palm. Do I need to do something else to view it?
You can cut off the dead/damaged fronds, and it will help the plant produce new growth. Make sure you use a sterile, sharp cutting utensil :)