Hello All, I recently discovered what look like mealy bugs on my Pachypodium rosalatum gracilius, and I am considering treating the plant with the same insecticidal soap ("Safer Brand - Houseplant Insect Killing Soap" in the green bottle) that I use on my cacti. Does anyone know if this is safe for Pachys? Thank you for your time.
You can look in the Culture Guides posted within this forum for further information. The insecticidal soap you mentioned should be safe against mealies. However, probably the most effective method would be to simply dip a cotton-tipped swab in some rubbing (isopropyl) alcohol, then wipe the mealies off of your plant. A bad infestation may need more aggressive measures such as changing the soil and spraying the plant clean (sprayer attachment on the hose or sink faucet). Plenty of good air circulation and a quick draining mix will reduce mealy bug infestations. Do not be afraid to set it outdoors as long as the overnight temperatures are above 50F/10C. Just let it slowly acclimatize to the sun by starting in a shady location first.
Thanks Mark! I removed what mealy bugs I did see, and blasted the cottony cocoons out of the leaf crowns with a water jet. So you think chemical treatment may not be necessary If I don't see any more activity?
use the q-tips dipped in rubbing alcohol. best thing for mealies - and, no the r-a does not damage the plants (it evaporates before that can happen). you want to treat with it so it'll kill any eggs that are there...
Yes. However, given the life cycle of many pests (mites, mealies, etc.) keep a close eye on the plant. Sometimes, a week later, you may begin to see activity again. Repeat as necessary. Be cautious of using oil-soaps on some succulents (such as Crassula species). Some have pores that regulate water loss that may become obstructed with the oil-soap. I have 3 species of Pachypodium and I have found that they all are relatively resistant to the effects of mites and mealies. In the past, I have had infested plants (of other species) literally an inch or so away from my "pachys" and the little pests simply will not make the move to infest them. Maybe they taste bad, I don't know. That said, I do tend to sprinkle a granular "houseplant" insecticide (Bonide brand) into the soil mix as all of my plants do their summers outdoors and are brought into my home in the Fall. It significantly reduces the amount of little critters catching a ride into my home.