Just got them transplanted into the stacker yesterday. CoCoCoir/Perlite mix, although next winter I'm dabbling into the HyDro realm and possibly going straight perlite. Maybe Perlite/Vermiculite mix... ? ? ? I seen a whole farm of these in Plant City. Awesome sight.
i would'nt have thought you would need to mix both perlite and vermiculite (if anyone knows differently post up) i had to get some perlite for the daphne crop im growing so i did some reading about both perlite and vermiculite, both are very similar in properties, so i would say you'd only need one.....why not experiment...use combinations of different mixes and see what happens. (i would be very interested in the results) just a thought, youd have to have constant irrigation if growing in pure perlite, do you have a way of recycling the water?, also cleaning the water, fertiliser build up and bacterial build up would have to be considered....forgive me if you are very knowledgable on the subject.
Thanks for the comments fellas. Yes, a recirculating system w/ a pump and res would be in order for the TRUE hydro style. I don't know about that just yet, but if I do, I'll probably just get another stack too... Two stacks connected to a res... :)
First one to ripen. Wish there was about a dozen more! hahah... The next batch is swellin' up as we speak... They're lookin' good. Any comments on a true HyDroPonics setup? What are my organic media options? Maybe I should just stay w/ the CoCo; it's organic along w/ the Guanos I use... ? ? ~ My 'ol man always did say; if it ain't broke, don't fix it! hahah... ? ? Enjoy the Pics. I love this new camera. I ought to try to take some high res ones... ? ?
CAREFUL WITH THESE GUYS this technology works... but I've had negative experiences with both of these two vendors, Hydrostacker and Vertigro. If you can, find growers who use the system commercial... Dont let them lead you on..
h20 world, stay at a 50/50 perlite/coir mix... perlite/verm just drys out alot faster, and you need to water (and waste fertilizers) much much more.. and 100% perlite wont work well at all... depending on the plant, 100% coir might be good too... You can always go 75/25 or vice versa with this mixes too...
i am curious about what was negative about vertigro, i am thinking of using their system in the Philippines, you can contact me off forum if you wish, lafayetteporter@hotmail.com, would really appreciate any comments so i do not go wrong. thanks
Expereinced growers using HyDroStacker & Similar Systems ? I am seeking comments on "life cycle costs" & "variable costs" for a commerical scale HyDroStacker & similar systems applications for tomatoes & herbs in particular . Comments or references ? avi dey DC-MD-VA region. EMAIL: twin@waldenthree.net