Hello, I need help. My cactus collection is overrun with clover-like weed. It not only spreads by seed but also sends runners around the pot and in between the spines which makes it impossible to weed out. The only remedy I have is to re-pot the cacti which is a big job not to mention the cost of implements and materials. Is there some chemical that destroys the weed but doesn't harm the cacti ?
I don't know what kinds of cacti you are growing, but most kinds can tolerate much drier soil than the weeds can. Try withholding watering until the weeds wither.
Mostly Epiphylum have this problem but cacti as well and I keep 3 or more of the same kind in the same pot.
I have re-poted most and few are still bare root for me to finish. So, have not taken pictures of the mess. But, straying from the thread, I need to identify some of my cacti. I can attach files of them in bloom that I took in the summer.
Best if you post them in separate new threads in this Cacti and Succulents forum, as you did for the white-flowered one you linked to.