I have some O. deppei bulbs left over from last year. It was a thriving plant, but the growth started to slow in the fall, so under advisement, I put it in a cool and dark place, and stopped watering for a while. All of the top growth turned brown and died, as one would expect. I did not let it get bone dry however. About three weeks ago, I took the plant apart, as it had been quite rootbound when it was growing, split up the many bulbs, and replanted the largest ones back into a pot of fresh soil. The bulbs were firm and did not appear to be rotten at all. I watered lightly, and have set it in a sunny windowsill (south). My question is, when can I expect some top growth? A few days ago, I carefully dug up a bulb to see what was happening, and nothing is happening. The bulbs are still firm, but no roots or top growth at all. Is this how one brings back O. deppei? If anyone has experience with O. deppei, I'd sure like to hear from you...
In my experience they grow when they are ready to grow again, they will send up shoots when its time. I would hold off on a lot of water and next time let the bulbs go completely dry a few times during dormancy.
Well, that is contrary to what I've read, and been told, but I will consider that. I'm not too worried about the watering situation, as I just gave them a bit about every month. Thanks for the imput however...