We have a beautiful Lapin cherry tree that is approximately 8 years old. We love the shade it gives, but it produces so many cherries that it is a challenge to pick them now that our family is grown. It is a necessity to remove all the fruit because of the cherry fruit fly. We spray regularly and prune it although we are not ruthless pruners because we love the shade. My question is (and I know it is a strange one): Is there something we can do to have the tree produce fewer cherries? Right now, people see us coming with our tubs and tubs of cherries and run in the other direction!
Well, if you were my neighbour, I would be coming over for my bushel right now--and I would be willing to pick them myself. It is possible to spray the tree with things that will make the blossoms abort before producing fruit. Check at your best local garden centre to see if they carry such a product. I am not sure what is in these products. I think usually plant auxins. You might be able to blast the tree with a strong water jet (pressure washer) to knock off blossoms, if you are looking for an organic method.