We have recently moved into a house that has four or five fig trees. I think that each of these tress are way over grown! One of the smaller ones we trimed, it was over fifteen feet across. I would like to know when I can trim them and how big or what shape the tree should be. I have got to take back my yard! I would to have them alot smaller. What should a healthy fig tree look like?? Thank You!
Hi New2realplants, Congratulations on your new home! It would be difficult to say what your tree should look like since there are so many varieties. Here's some handy links. http://www.crfg.org/pubs/ff/fig.html http://www.rhs.org.uk/advice/profiles0103/fig.asp http://www.easyfruit.co.uk/figs/ And if all else fails, here's the 'Fig' forum at Garden Web. Be sure to add your state and hardiness zone when you register as it will help them to help you. http://forums.gardenweb.com/forums/fig/ Newt