I can't remember where I heard this (school or book?) but I am wondering if it is possible for a plant to outgrow a virus? In this case I am thinking of Brugmansia and Datura. Both are highly susceptable to virus. I believe very good growing conditions were needed for extremely rapid growth, and tip cuttings are used. If anyone can help with this I would appreciate it.
Some virus elimination is done by "out growing" the virus. The plants are grown in a gradually increasing temperature starting in the low 20's and ramping up to the low-mid 30's. Then the (apical) tips are excised and grafted or cultured and the process repeats. Eventually the offspring is grown out and tested for virus. Sometimes it works, but the process seems to be quite subjective in nature. How many cycles, how fast to ramp the temp, etc. is all by experimentation.