Other uses for tomatoe fertizlizer spikes

Discussion in 'Soils, Fertilizers and Composting' started by flpman, Jul 14, 2009.

  1. flpman

    flpman Member

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    Northeast Coast
    Hey all,
    Just registered, glad to be a part of the community.

    I bought a small bag of fert spikes for a tomatoe plant i'm growing. However I have a bunch left over (spikes), and other various plants (hydrangeas, liclacs, japaneese maples) that could use some food but i'm hesitant to use a plant specific product on other plants. I have the feeling that the tomatoe spikes are BEST for tomatoes but CAN be used on other plants with similar feeding requirements. I simply don't know, and dont' want to hurt my other plants. This is my test year, next year i'm really going all out on a home garden, but i dont' want these spikes sitting for a year do i?

    I want to use em all b/c i hate to waste, and could save some money.
  2. JanR

    JanR Active Member

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    Lakeland, Manitoba
    I can't imagine that they would hurt your other plants. I would think that you could use them on any flowering plants. Alternatively, you could keep them for next year.
  3. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Suitability for other plants depends on what, if anything they might need vs. what product supplies, and what pH of product is. Some fertilizers are too alkaline for use on acid-loving plants.

    Spikes are an inefficient and expensive way to fertilize. Crumble the spikes and spread them over the soil where thought to be needed. Buy granular fertilizer not formed into spikes when fertilizing in future.

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